Angel's blog


I have been undetectable of the illness since 2006; except for the stigma and unkind people that leave evident scars on my mental health.

Submitted on Mar 28, 2019

Distance brought upon by ignorance and privilege. I read, I research and yet I find myself surrounded by those I trust. I still cannot get past how much worry and fear entangle in the everyday life of those closest to me.

Submitted on Jan 9, 2019

I realized as I saw my computer screen with my grandkids, I never saw any kid grow up. Not my child, not my family’s children. I guess having the experience of being a mom I felt as if I should have had the courage to nurture, to raise a child. I put too much on my own shoulders so I can never be satisfied with the outcome. I am more of a perfectionist than I knew.

Submitted on Nov 16, 2018

Getting tested. "So freeing."

Submitted on Oct 23, 2018

My first meeting of any type to meet a candidate. I was able to ask Aaron Ford about his knowledge on the current HIV laws here in Nevada. He said he didn't know anything. I think this is an important...

Submitted on Aug 28, 2018

I wanted to write about something beautiful, so I will start with me. In my life I struggle with things within; yet I have a fascinating full life. I have friends, family, coworkers and strangers who...

Submitted on Aug 17, 2018

So today I was reading blogs and looking at Facebook. I was troubled to see how many times people tell me I can hit them up if I need someone to talk to. My problem with this is when people try to...

Submitted on Jul 1, 2018

The current conditions create a safe place to get to know what makes me tick, happy, passionate... I have told more of my close friends on a one on one face to face talk that I live with HIV. I am...

Submitted on Jun 8, 2018

My year has been full of changes. I am willing to learn from mistakes; rebuilding can be fun. Today I awake to my granddaughter (12) and my mom. Mom cooks the best; we are having hash omelettes. Yum...

Submitted on May 29, 2018

Hello, it's been a minute since I wrote a blog. I am reminded of Long Term Survivors Day as it approaches. I was diagnosed in 1997. I suspected until yesterday I was given this condition through a sex...

Submitted on May 15, 2018


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