Monique's blog


Another year, another day that we live in this continuous fight on World AIDS Day. December 1 and the rest of the year, advocates around the country continue to make things happen. Many who paved the...

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Women and girls who are living with HIV/AIDS wear many hats. We are mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, wives, caretakers, friends–and the many hats can go on and on. National Women and Girls HIV...

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Disclosing your status is very important. The laws in different states can be very tough when you don’t disclose to your partner.

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During the months between March to May, prom in many states is happening!! The young girls are all excited! Shopping around for their gown, deciding what hair style they want, nails, shoes, etc. It’s...

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Never be afraid of your voice. We all have the right to exercise our voice!! Your voice does matter! I once was afraid to speak publicly about issues, policies, laws when it came to HIV. However once...

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The BEST person you can be is "yourself". You should never have to feel as if you have to compete against anyone. If you don't have all the answers just "Be You," and be true to yourself. It is fine...

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Have you ever just wanted to take a break? Being an advocate, our work can become very overwhelming and lonely and our brains are in overdrive. This year I decided to take a break because I was...

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The last couple of weeks I have been weighted down with so much heaviness on my shoulders I didn't know which direction I was headed. Have you ever felt like you just couldn't take life anymore...

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Who are WE? We are a Mother, daughter, friend, wife, aunt, sister different age and Nationalities. National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a day set aside to empower every woman worldwide who's living with HIV/AIDS.

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You know I always say I want to do so much more!!! Don't we all say that? We get excited about what we want to accomplish then somehow we get comfortable and not do it!!! That's me at times!!!

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