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My lovey people, Many of you know that I love writing poems and that I have posted a whole series of them over time. Getting closer to 2024 is a great moment to use a poem to reflect and to...

As I sit, reflecting on the past images, moments and those feelings that came from within, from deep within... the wondering how, when, why and where, of my HIV diagnosis... In the beginning I could not hear God's voice, today...

Vivir con VIH es una experiencia única, repleta de retos que a menudo van más allá de los aspectos médico de la condición. Como mujer transgénero de color, o también como cualquier persona no binaria, la experiencia ha sido formada...

Celebrating the woman in the mirror? 🪞 Who is the fairest of them all? That concept for me is often very triggering. I really despise mirrors and reflections and pictures of myself! Well unless I control the perfect filter of...

The human immunodeficiency virus is life altering, scary and confusing. And yet, I can't honestly say I hate it all the time.

Discovering my HIV diagnosis was an unexpected turn that reshaped my life's trajectory. Initially, it felt like the ground had shifted beneath me, leaving me disoriented and vulnerable. Questions, fears, and doubts flooded in, but within this chaos emerged a...

Tuesday, December 12, 2023 2:00 - 3:00pm ET Join The Well Project for this special episode of Leadership Exchange LIVE: Black Women Living with and Vulnerable to HIV in the US: Needs, Priorities, and Optimal Care.

My name is Nitanita. I'm California-born and raised, 55 years old, Black, single, and have two adult kids and two grandkids. I'm a professional currently working in field of behavioral/mental health and recovery for over 25 years. I earned my...

Did you know getting dressed up is a form of self-care? I literally did not think of it as self-care until now. Self-care to me is anything that brings me pleasure. Getting dressed up, nails, hair and makeup done is...

As I'm sure many of you know by now that I live with severe depression and anxiety along with ADHD, OCD, and PTSD (damn, that's a lot of alphabet, lol), I can get down pretty easily and sink into the...