Our Partners

A community begins as a body of people who come together around a common purpose. The Well Project aims to provide a community of support by connecting women living with HIV across the globe – to each other, and to life-saving information.

To that end, we believe it is important to recognize the work of other organizations that share our mission. We invite you to learn about our Partners and the valuable work that they do, to connect to a larger community by accessing their resources, to learn about upcoming events, and to share this information with others in an ever-increasing circle of community.

The Black Women's Learning Institute (BWLI) is a national center focused on the health and wellness needs of Black women across the lifespan.

Transforming lives since 1996

Christie's Place is a nonprofit social service organization in San Diego County that provides HIV/AIDS education, support and advocacy. Our mission is to empower women, children, families and individuals whose lives have been impacted by HIV/AIDS to take charge of their health and wellness.

The Dandelions Movement is a "For Us - By Us" movement accountable for communities who identify as Lifetime Survivors of HIV.

As mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, partners, AND people living with HIV, women have incredible power to change the course of HIV.

advancing health equity

ETR is a non-profit organization committed to improving health outcomes and healthy equity for youth, families, and communities.

Creating relatable, understandable, trustworthy health communication

Grapevine Health is a digital health company focused on educating and engaging underserved communities with trusted and credible health information.

Helping Everyone Receive Ongoing Effective Support

Support. Educate. Uplift. Supporting, educating, and uplifting Northeast Louisiana communities through adult wellness, youth education, and community healing.

a hub of positive sexual and reproductive health

After over 20 years as leaders in prenatal, pre-conception and women's HIV care, the Bay Area Perinatal AIDS Center/BAPAC has evolved to HIVE.

Housing Works is a healing community of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. Our mission is to end the dual crises of homelessness and AIDS through relentless advocacy, the provision of lifesaving services, and entrepreneurial businesses that sustain our efforts.

HUES - Healing & Uniting Every Sista

Healing & Uniting Every Sista or HUES at San Francisco AIDS Foundation functions as a national Black feminist collective committed to eradicating the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Black women, girls, and femmes through direct service, education, and advocacy.


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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Featured Content:

Learn about the groundbreaking GRACE study of HIV+ women and how it successfully enrolled large numbers of women of color in a clinical trial.

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Together, we can change the course of the HIV epidemic…one woman at a time!

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