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Dear 2019

Submitted on Jan 3, 2020 by  MasoniaTraylor

Dear 2019,


I did some BIG things in a simple way. I learned what it means to truly have a genuine heart and how to listen to it more. I learned that NO ONE knows my body better than ME. I learned that I've been very appreciative of the small things as a way of life since I was little. I also learned that while riding in the ambulance telling the EMT that I feel like I'm dying as half of my heart had shut down and I was gasping for air to breathe worse than an asthma attack, that I have no regrets and have been living a FULL grateful life.

The only 3 things that I felt were incomplete were:

  1. Not playing board games with my children/my mom
  2. Not finishing Lady BurgAndy Inc (Nonprofit) - I was investing in someone else's
  3. No Life Insurance (I have someone working on that)

So GOODBYE 2019 and THANK YOU for allowing me to work on the above three for 2020 as I had planned for 2019.

I was told that the type of heart tear that I had could happen again and it isn't preventable. I am quite terrified and often times triggered without others being aware. I have decided that I'm NOT going to continue living IN FEAR. Life is Life and I'm going to live it! I'm going to move forward knowing that I can have another heart attack with strong faith and hope that I won't. I'm prayerful that you will be ok with not being ok too. This is by far the hardest fear I've had to overcome. I will face the fear and do what my heart desires. Cheers to 2020!

Love & Light,

Masonia Traylor

Submitted by boseolotu

Masonia Traylor

You did so well my dearest sister, I truly believe 2020 shall be greater for us all. 

Wishing you all the best in 2020, Happy New Year

Submitted by ForeverTrue24

You and your heart means so much to me. I have and continuously learn so much from your experiences and I really just want to say thank you aind please keep doing what you feel in your heart to do. LOVE YOU!


Submitted by kmartel

I love you, Masonia, and know that 2020 will be a better year! Despite all you've been through, you bring so much love and positivity into this world! Listen to your body, heal fully, and thank you for sharing all you've gone through and your goals for 2020! <3 

Submitted by HIVstigmafighter

Dear Masonia
Thank you for your open heart with positive attitude. We all live in fear of something at least Me who once survived heart attack and still knocked out by my diabetes .But hey everyday is a bonus and we have to enjoy it with all opportunities that come along! Your 2020 will be a fabulous year that's my best wishes for you!I love you Sister❤

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