Intro - Imnobody

Submitted on May 22, 2017 by  Imnobody

I'm a 54 year old single Mom and Grandmother. I am newly diagnosed April of 2016. I am a psychology student. I run a charity that helps runaways and young people - women aging out of foster care. I am a cancer survivor. But above all I am a survivor!

Why Imnobody wants to be part of A Girl Like Me: I know there are lots of long term survivors but to a newly diagnosed person, hearing their stories is great, but you still think can I be one of them in 10, 20 years? Will it be different for me? I'm friends via Facebook with a transgender woman who is 21 and just found out she is Poz. She talked to lots of long term survivors but she said talking to me to hear just a year later I'm still here and I'm in good health and have a good attitude helped her not be so scared. We the newly diagnosed need to know we are not orphans in this life we now must live.



Submitted by tj30trust

Hello and welcome to A Girl Like Me. I'm Tiommi. When we adhere to our regimens, the chances of living a longer, healthier life are increased. I'm 5 years into my diagnosis and I am muc healthier than I was when I was diagnosed. I am actually happy, and you will be too. It took me a while to get here, but trust the process and you will get here as well. I hope to hear from you soon. Looking forward to getting to know you.

Submitted by 6kiddles

What an inspiration you are! Thank you for sharing your life so you can encourage others and others can encourage you. I believe there can be a healthy balance or mix of you will. We all need to keep sharing, talking and encouraging. When I was newly diagnosed, I had nobody to turn to. It would've been refreshing to hear of someone living a long time with HIV, which 30+ years ago, was unheard of. At the same time, to have the experience of someone newly diagnosed to share thoughts/ feelings with would've been helpful as well. Today, I feel we can have the best of both worlds. We are all in this together, be it newly diagnosed, long term survivor, living with HIV or NOT living with HIV. With others being bold enough to share, we can all draw strength and take away what we wish, or what we need in our lives. That is what is so great about being part of a "community" such as this. We are family and we are honored to have you be part of it. I wish you years of success and happiness. YOU are making a difference.

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