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Intro - Nikki J

Submitted on Mar 15, 2019 by  Nikki J


My name is Nakeisa Jackson and I am 30 years old. At age 19, I was diagnosed with HIV. My diagnosis was very traumatic for me. After eight years of hiding I shared my story on YouTube and eventually wrote my first book. I also started a blog. One of my strongest gifts is helping people and writing. I believe writing can inspire and build people up. I didn't know a lot of women living with HIV until I told my story. It was a beautiful experience and that is when I decided that together we are stronger. I also have worked as a nurse for the past six years and saw many issues. I decided I have to be the change I want to see. I am currently married with one bonus child. There are so many experiences that have shaped who I am. I want to share that with other people.

Why Nakeisa wants to be part of A Girl Like Me: I want to join this blog so I can inspire other women to lend a hand in this epidemic. We do not have to publicly share our status to help other people. We can still be the change we want to see. This blog can touch so many women and encourage them in many ways. I decided instead of blogging on a site separately I should blog here on The Well Project. We are stronger together.


Submitted by boseolotu

Dearest Nakeisa, it is so great to have you join us and also you inspired me.
Because for me I have a lots to say but most times I just don't know how to put them in writing.
I believe I will learn a lot more from you.
And thanks again.

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