Seeking advice

Submitted on Jun 6, 2014 by  boseolotu

I went for my checkup yesterday and something is not right with my test results. It seems that my CD4 count keeps dropping and they can't say why. It went from 778 in January, 2013 to 690 in August, 2013 and 577 in a April, 2014. I can't remember the last time I had a viral load test run, because in Nigeria most treatment centres don't provide that service.

I can't tell what could be the cause of this, and if my viral load is increasing or not, nor can tell if I am having drug resistance or not. But what I have been observing is the fact that I get weak most time. Or maybe it is due to the multiple fibroids that I am having or all the stress I am currently going through.

I need advice please.

Much love,


Submitted by sologirl

Hi Bose, I ams sorry to hear you are having trouble. As you may know CD4 can fluctuate for so many reasons. It would be terrific to get your Viral Load but I understand it's not covered.

stress, illness and adherence are all things to consider with CD4 counts. Lifestyle is another issue in itself.

i wish you the best and hope that you can determine what's going on. I am not sure how many med choices you have over there.

best of luck, Sologirl

Submitted by Martha E Lang

Hello Bose,  I am sorry to hear that your CD4 count is on a downward swing right now.  I know that you know that the numbers can fluctuate and also know from my own experience that that this can be both scary and frustrating.  I did have the reassurance of viral load testing though, so that part of your experience I can only imagine.

In your area of NIgeria, do they do a CD4/CD8 ratio test?  This is actually a more  accurate measure of immune system function than just your CD4 count.  If your lab results show a CD8 test result, then this ratio can be calculated.  If you need help with this, let me know and I can show you how to calculate your own CD4/CD8 ratio.

In the meantime, I am holding you in the Light of G-d, as we say in Quakerism.


Submitted by nono

i think if you can stop stressing and sleep well you will recover and accept the thing that you are hiv positive you will be ok. positive thinking will make make your life very fruitfull , try to read motivation books to uplift your spirit.

gud luck girl

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