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Tabby - Intro

Submitted on Dec 20, 2012 by  wowreallytab


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My name is Tabby, and I am currently a resident of Kansas City. I was diagnosed in February 2008.  Two days after my Pastor preached a sermon for a local HIV Awareness Revival Series, I got the anonymous call from KCMO Health Department. Until I received the diagnosis, I was sure HIV would never come up or that I was positive. I honestly thought they were going to tell me I was diabetic. I worked, had a relatively normal life, this could never happen to me. Just like the rape or the domestic abuse or the alcoholism or the promiscuity. NONE OF THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE IN MY LIFE. But it was, and I was a mess. My boyfriend of 4 years blamed me for him being sick even though he never got tested and his mom who is a minister told me to douche with a bleach water solution. Really, after all I went through with y’all this is how y’all treat me. Wow…Really…

Hot “HIV+” Mess was my name for almost 3 years, but GOD. During that time the Lord ministered to me through various people. HE promised me that this was not unto death. That I was worthy. That I was beautiful. Most of all, THAT HE LOVED ME IN SPITE OF ME!!

Why Tabby wants to be a part of A Girl Like Me: A Girl Like Me is my way to continue to heal because everything I go through is not for or about me. It is for and about the next woman. The one who thinks she deserves this because God does not love her. The one who has not found her voice because she doesn’t know who is inside her.

Submitted by Sassy

I'm 9 months into my diagnosis - I never thought it would happen to me - never been promiscuous or taken drugs - always tried to do the right thing - left home to get married etc etc etc yet still got it - don't know how or from whom (even though I think i know who it is) but I don't care - my main priority is dealing with this in my own mind and processing all the changes that have occurred and need to occur - once I have accomplished that then may be I can deal with everything else

Submitted by Sassy


Submitted by Sassy

Excellent beginning!!! Keep on running to see what the end is going to be!! To borrow the motto of the church Heaven Sent was birthed out of "You have a marvelous destiny regardless of your past!" KEEP IT MOVING!!

Submitted by Sassy

Just keep praying and keep moving forward Sassy YOU WILL ACHIEVE EVERYTHING YOUR HEART DESIRES

Submitted by Sassy

Thank you. your words are very kind. i do keep praying and I know I will get a handle on everything eventually. I'm hoping that 2013 will be a better year

Submitted by Sassy

your posts have been incredibly inspiring and definitely open the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep posting, keep speaking and sharing, we need you. Going public is scary for me. For how people judge and how many people who are ignorant to the disease. But reading posts like this is incredibly inspiring. I am a nurse and newly diagnosed. I want to help people over in haiti and in this country someday and donate my services. Job and money right now is stopping me. But someday this is going to be big, I just know this was meant to be for me. Everything with God there is a reason. He never gives you anything you cannot handle. Half of the people that judge you, can't handle half of what you went through.. KEEP GOING AND KEEP SHARING. thank you :))

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