With us NOW!

Submitted on Dec 8, 2023 by  HIVstigmafighter

Hello my lovely people,

Today we are celebrating World AIDS Day. Being part of the HIV community I try to contribute in as many ways as possible to fight HIV stigma and discrimination. So as HIV Stigmafighter you can see me connecting and speaking up digitally and physically, globally and locally.

This year's theme is 'Let Communities Lead'. As regular readers know, in previous blogs I have been pointing out how important it is to be part of thriving local communities and making sure that our achievements are shared and celebrated at the global level as well to continue inspiring each other in our fight against HIV stigma and discrimination.

I am very proud of my close connection to the Irish HIV community. My first contribution as HIV Stigmafighter to the Irish community was last year when I was part of a photo exhibition on people living with HIV, organised by Steven Doyle, joined Robbie Lawlor's and Lady Veda's Pozvibe podcast, and attended the HIV Ireland conference.

Eliane with others in front of microphones.
Fun at the Pozvibe podcast with Robbie & Veda
Eliane on stage as Eric the dragking.
Ireland here I come
(Photo: Sil-Hong Won)

Today I am proudly joining the Irish community as Eric the dragking 'a colourful black ray, stomping stigma away' at the famous The George nightclub in Dublin! Being part of this amazing entourage already earned me the title of Irish talent.

On stage I am excited to join artist and activist Luis Noguera which is a very special moment as Luis is also our newest Hero of Hope on our Stories of Hope platform. Please read Luis' touching story of overcoming HIV stigma and shame!

Luis Noguera with red tape and red paint on his body.
Luis Noguera (Photo: @ciarangildea)

To me these past two year of working with the Irish HIV community to fight HIV stigma in so many creative ways is a very good example of how local HIV communities should lead our global drive to fight HIV stigma. We need our partners to seriously listen to us to make sure that addressing our challenges, ideas and solutions are made core in global and local HIV action.



This blog was originally posted on hivstigmafighter

Submitted by Red40something

Its great to see different ways in which people show up for the community in the work they do and you show up in a lot of ways. Grateful for all that you do and the interesting perspective of being a "drag king".

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