pregnancy, HIV+ mothers, family


Wonder Woman, don't let HIV stand in your way! Continue to live positively, like many of us are already doing for ages. WE are strong and Powerful. I am sending my love and positive vibes to you, wherever you are in this World.

Submitted on Apr 15, 2022

I've experienced grief a few times throughout my life for different reasons. I was not prepared for the grief I would feel after my grandfather died

Submitted on Apr 2, 2022

The month of March has been an amazing one for me and I wish that this new month shall be more fruitful for you all. Just keep doing the little incredible and amazing things you do in your various...

Submitted on Apr 1, 2022

Have you ever heard a doctor, advocate or friend say "you probably know someone living with HIV and you just don't know it"? People hiding in plain sight. I've said that to people. It's a way to get...

Submitted on Mar 10, 2022

Are you stupid? Or are you dumb? What in the hell would possess you to breastfeed a new, precious, innocent life? Do you hate her or something?

Submitted on Feb 7, 2022

I'm in a beautiful place where the snow is freshly fallen, life is everywhere, there are plenty of reasons to take the deepest breath and relax every inch of my body... but then there's that weight...

Submitted on Jan 21, 2022

On Saturday 4 December 2021, I helped Inyambo STARS to organise a local event to celebrate World AIDS Day. This was a day to show their community why they are true talents, showing their fashion...

Submitted on Dec 9, 2021

This gone sound crazy. But I don't know how to be no woman. I mean, especially not good enough to teach another woman how to do it. I just be doing shit. ... trying on different versions of myself....

Submitted on Dec 1, 2021

My birthday month, November, had a great start by doing what I like most, giving my HIV activism a boost. Between 4-7 November I was in Istanbul for a face-to-face 'Skills Training to Empower Patients...

Submitted on Nov 12, 2021

This month Akira, my youngest son of 13 years old, and I travelled to Antwerp for a filmshoot for the 'Undetectable equals Untransmittable' (U=U) campaign in Belgium. Whilst in the train towards...

Submitted on Oct 19, 2021


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