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I wanted to write my next blog piece about mental wellness. Then as I got the internal fortitude to actually start writing, I thought to myself that lately this topic is beginning to feel slightly overused. Wow... how ironic. I...

Justine Davenport is a Black African American woman who has been thriving with HIV since birth. Justine was born and raised in Jamaica, New York but currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia. She graduated from Bauder College with an Associate's Degree...

Recently, I had the extreme pleasure of attending the 2023 Motown Experience: Birth & Breastfeeding Conference hosted by the Black Mothers' Breastfeeding Association in Detroit, MI. This experience was one that I will never forget as it is my first...

Where to start? Well blogging world, it's been awhile - not since I've written a blog, but actually publishing said blog. If you could see my notes in my phone, I have over five blogs started and not finished. I've...

Hello my lovely people. Some of us are always counting their age, forgetting to do the things that make them happy. Remember, there is no such thing as putting your life on hold, because we are all ageing, every day...

They are trying to wipe us out, and we will fight till the end. I didn't want to write a harmful blog, but it's my duty. As the title says, the Republican Party is proposing an appropriation bill to cut...

As I lay here 14 days after my fall at our neighborhood dog park- where I fractured both of my fibulas (leg bone connected to ankle)- yes, I wish I had a better story. Sadly I was not doing a...

HIV can teach us many things. Once you find out you have HIV, it will be a lifelong journey of medication. Along with medication, there are other ways we can live well with HIV. I talk to Bridgette from The...

Y'all I'm out here living 2020 in 2023... While y'all was stuck at home, looking cute up top and only wearing ya underwears or jammies under the table I was out EVERYDAY going to work cause Covid what? The jobs...

So, I don't know if you know That I've been at this social media, advocacy thing for a little minute now. Probably bout, what, like 4 or 5 years or something like that? However long ago it was, I found...