Didn't you always know that there were ways to call desserts vegetables? One day I explored ways to use zucchini and found Zucchini Brownies! This was an easy recipe that turned out so yummy, and yes...

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I've been living with HIV for (going on) 22 years now. I almost can't believe it, seems like a lifetime ago. I was just 27 when I was lying in a hospital bed dying; my children were just babies. When...

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Come join my group in Facebook! I am so proud of this group that I founded around 12 years ago! It started with like 100 people and it's international and it's in English. ❤️ I also created one in Spanish for all Latin America and Spain.

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Whilst we are nearing the end of a rainy summer, I would like to reflect on my summer time. It was actually very enjoyable no matter how I look at it! It started excellent by hearing news from my...

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Hi, my name is Sharonda Lynn. I've been HIV positive for 22 years and counting. I was first diagnosed at the age of 19 years old.

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I filled out a questionnaire today. It was about wise words that I would offer to someone newly diagnosed with HIV. It's interesting to me to see how my perspective has changed over the years and how it's stayed the same.

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My dear lovely people living with HIV, I am not sure if we all know what U=U means. If not, I am always glad to explain it once again as it is really important to know U=U and how it can help to break...

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2020 has been a year for us all. I know mine has been met with heartache, joy and so many things in between. But since being diagnosed in 2016, I finally decided 2020 was the year I would date and be unapologetically HIV+.

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Yesterday as we celebrated World AIDS Day, I reflected a little bit on my own journey of having HIV living with me. I have been HIV positive for 5 years. I have been undetectable since I began...

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This week I 'hacked' the #hiv2020online instagram account for 24 hours. I decided to share my 18 years journey of living with HIV in 18 posts on their storyline.

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