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Memorable summer of 2021

Submitted on Aug 26, 2021 by  HIVstigmafighter

Whilst we are nearing the end of a rainy summer, I would like to reflect on my summer time. It was actually very enjoyable no matter how I look at it! It started excellent by hearing news from my diabetes doctor that I was allowed to stop 3 more pills of my medication.

Then there was Mandela Day on the 18th of July where we shared our Stories of Hope through a photo exposition, and I had a great celebratory closing party with my heroes!


A few days later I celebrated my kids’ birthdays which all of you know happen for all three of them within 4 days! My oldest daughter turned 20, one of my sons 15 and the other 13. What a blessed week for all of us. 

Then we took off for a few days in the South of the Netherlands, Maastricht. What a beautiful place and surroundings. It was a short stay but full of sportive activities as I like to keep my Healthy New Me in shape! We walked hills, went into caves which still made me accomplish my sports targets every single day during my holiday! And on top of that we went one day on an (e-)bike and mounted some impressive hills with equally impressive names like the Dead man’s alley (Dodemansweg in Dutch). I was so proud to be able to get to the top of these hills and admire the incredible view. Who says Holland is flat? Continue reading on hivstigmafighter...

Submitted by Marig2016

Sounds like a beautiful summer. I absolutely love this because it embodies the very definition of living and thriving with HIV!  Oh and happy birthday to all your babies. 


Submitted by boseolotu

I am so happy for you my dearest sister, each time I read your blog and post it gives me courage and strength to move on no matter what life throws at me.
You are an inspiration.
Thank you for sharing.

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