Love Returns To Me

Submitted on Mar 27, 2018 by  Jewel Terrell

Once again I have realized that I have not truly faced all of my fears from the past!! HIV WILL NO LONGER RENDER ME UNLOVEABLE, UNDESIRABLE, UNCLEAN OR UNTOUCHABLE!!! Today I vow and stand up to the fear of being left alone, walked out on and cheated on!! Because of these insecurities I am not at the full capacity of being able to love another unselfishly and without insecurities!! I give this to God and put it on all the altar today!! I declare that I will love and be loved again unconditionally and holistically!! I will not fear because this time when God sends me my Boaz he will truly be mine and mine alone!!!! I will not fear any other women because she is not me and will never have the ability to love the way God has ordained me to love and the one designed for me will know this, and will not desire or seek out what is already there, in other places!! I was born to love, I was promised to be loved and today I declare and decree that holistically I AM L-O-V-E!!!!!!

Jewel aka "Precious Stone"

Submitted by Lovinglife101


Thank you for sharing this prayer and your strength!  You are love, you are powerful, and you are amazing. 


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