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Senior Solo Single Survival

Submitted on Sep 30, 2016 by  HoneysPlace2

God has always been my caretaker. And my faith has never been challenged. 

I do not consider myself any better than any other human being. I simply know that am very different and rare. I am non-symptomatic of HIV but I am 62 years old and I do have other physical aging challenges.

In May of 2012, I was convinced I needed total right knee replacement. Within twenty-two days after surgery, due to no fault of my own, I received a hair line fracture in the only bone left around my right knee. This was the worst pain I've ever felt in life! Within the eight months that followed, I suffered with every step I took, physical therapy, etc. My life’s peace was shattered. Eight months later, January 2013, that same right knee had to be replaced again. I cannot describe the amount of mental and physical pain. Not complaining just saying.

When you’re on your own, you’re really on your own. No support groups, no family, nor friends to assist with my domestic needs nor anything else. But God is Great! He gave me the will power, courage, strength and tenacity to handle my own by myself. My being an only child, I've always held my own. There were no siblings nor cousins nor other kids growing up. I've always been independent and self-sufficient.

In the midst of my traumatizing physical events, I've also had to deal with a pending home foreclosure. The thought of homelessness now at my age is haunting. God is Great, today I still have a roof over my home. Over the past four years, I’ve had to reevaluate my Life and count my Blessings over and over again.

For the past few months, I've had numerous PC issues... unable to communicate via email nor social networking... Really a nuisance. Typing on my android phone is a real pain in the neck. 

Once again, a hindrance to my flow. Not complaining just saying... We all have our own situations.  It's called "Living Life". I've learned not to judge others at all because everything is not always the way it looks.  

Okay Enough...

In just a few hours... I do what I know will make a difference. I'm flying to NIH in Bethesda, Maryland.  This will be my fourth trip for this year.

I'm excited about being a tiny tiny part of something so incredibly needed by millions. God has given me purpose. Whatever I can do to help motivate and inspire others is my destiny.

I dream of the day when I am told I am no longer needed. Because the war on HIV/AIDS will be over. 


I am Humbled, Grateful and Beyond Blessed to be a happy Senior Solo Single Survivor.

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