Thought of the Month - May

Submitted on May 21, 2019 by  JoDha


In the world full of darkness, be the #LIGHT


(Tamso ma jyotirgamay)

Just like my name "Jyoti"


A ray of light, the ray of hope

Stop putting your hopes into hands of human beings. They make the same mistakes as we do. Stop caring so much about so and so person. If they are meant to be in your life, they will.

Failed business? Love gone sour? Divorced? Its okay. Just move on. Learn from your own mistakes instead of blaming the other or fate. Pave your own path. The world is big. Beginning is ALWAYS difficult, but unless one struggles, how will one know the true meaning of success?? (I say it because I hve gone through it. Experienced it. Cried buckets. But moved on.)

I remember #inspirational dialogue from the movie "Anand"

Babumoshai…..zindagi lambi nahi badi honi chahiye...
(Sir…..Life need not be long it should be big)

"Babu moshai, hum aane waale dukh ko kheench taan kar is pal main lee aate hain. Aisa kyon?"
(Sir, why do we always pull the sadness that is yet to come all the way to this moment that we are living)

'Anand mara nahi. Anand marte nahi'
(Joy is not dead. Joy doesn't die)

Stop thinking of suicide. It is NOT worth it.
Stop searching for love. Let love come to you.
Stop hoarding on materialistic things.
Stop "collecting" a lot of money. Or gold. Or antique items. Or property. Or etc etc etc. keep only how much you need or require for future.

In the end, none of those things matter. Not one single bit. What matters is your soul. Please, do not neglect your soul. Your soul is who you are, always. Be good to your soul. Love it. Give it a grace. Never forget where you came from.

You are an #example for so many people. Never forget that. Never stop striving for that greatness that you were made for. Never stop trying to pursue your dreams.

There is darkness inside each one of us. Sometimes, the darkness never seems to lighten. We surround ourselves with the dark things of this world and convince ourselves that this is who we are. We forget that there is an abundance of light inside each and every one of us. We forget that darkness is TEMPORARY.

Be that light.
Never dim your sparkle.
Keep shining.

Much love,

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