Various Partner Options: Getting Pregnant and HIV

Submitted on May 7, 2024
Couple sitting on kitchen floor high-fiving.
© Wackerhausen | Posed by models

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There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on HIV while trying to conceive. The information in this fact sheet can help you weigh the risks and benefits of each option and understand what might be best for you.

Note: In this fact sheet, "woman" and "man" refer to cisgender people. Much of the information for "women" is relevant to people assigned female sex at birth who do not identify as women; and the information for "men" is relevant to people assigned male sex at birth who do not identify as men.

Related Resources from The Well Project

Pregnancy, Birth, and HIV (disponible en español)

HIV-Friendly Reproductive Services and Providers in the US

Serodifferent Partners: Dating, Relationships, and Mixed HIV Status (disponible en español)

Can I Breastfeed While Living With HIV? An Overview of Infant Feeding Options (disponible en español)

Overview of Infant Feeding Options for Parents Living with HIV


View this section as a separate fact sheet

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on HIV while trying to conceive (get pregnant; have a baby). If you are a woman living with HIV with an HIV-negative male partner, the options below can help you understand what might be best for you and prepare for discussions with your healthcare provider(s) and others. (For other options and more general information, you can return to the main "Getting Pregnant and HIV" page.)

Viral Suppression of Partner Living with HIV

One of the best things that the female partner living with HIV can do in this situation is to take HIV drugs regularly and maintain an undetectable viral load (not enough HIV in her bloodstream for a standard test to measure). This means taking medicines even when she has no symptoms and a relatively healthy immune system.

Recent studies of gay and heterosexual ("straight") serodifferent couples showed that taking HIV drugs and having an undetectable viral load reduces the risk to zero that a person living with HIV will sexually transmit HIV to their partner(s). Please see our fact sheet on Undetectable Equals Untransmittable for more information on this exciting development.

Check for STIs

Screening and treating any sexually transmitted infections or diseases (STIs or STDs) before trying to get pregnant is a great step to lower your chances of passing HIV between partners. Certain STIs can increase the chances of acquiring HIV. However, if the partner living with HIV has an undetectable viral load, the HIV-negative partner will still be protected from acquiring HIV, even if someone in the couple has an STI.

Sex without Condoms

If you choose this method, it is ideal for the partner who is living with HIV to have an undetectable viral load before the couple tries to get pregnant. This improves the mother's health and also helps to prevent HIV transmission to the baby or to her partner. Having an undetectable viral load lowers the transmission risk to a baby to less than 1 percent.

If her viral load is not known or is detectable, the risk of passing on HIV is lower if you only have unprotected sex when the woman is ovulating (when she is most likely to get pregnant; this is often called "timed intercourse"). Ovulation occurs when an egg is released from the woman's ovary, and usually happens about two weeks before a woman starts her menstrual period. Insemination during the "fertile window" – usually one to two days before ovulation until one day after ovulation – has a greater chance of success. For more information on understanding and tracking your fertility, visit:

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

The HIV-negative man can use Truvada (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/emtricitabine), Descovy (tenofovir alafenamide/emtricitabine), or Apretude (cabotegravir injectable) as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). PrEP means taking HIV drugs before being exposed to HIV to prevent acquisition of the virus if the partner's viral load is unknown or is detectable. Truvada and Descovy need to be taken daily, not just right before you have sex. Apretude is injected every two months.

The US Public Health Service's clinical practice guidelines recommend that healthcare providers should include PrEP in the discussion as one of the options for protecting HIV-negative partners in serodifferent couples, particularly if they are interested in having a child. Not all healthcare providers are comfortable or knowledgeable about prescribing PrEP. However, you can tell your healthcare provider that you are interested in taking PrEP and ask them to write you a prescription for it.

If you want to learn more about PrEP, visit, a growing national PrEP provider directory.

Some recent research has shown that PrEP may not add much protection when the partner living with HIV is virally suppressed (which already lowers the risk of transmission to zero) and condomless sex is limited to the woman's fertile period.

Home Insemination

This is a cheap and simple way of getting pregnant. It involves having the man ejaculate (cum) into a clean cup or condom. If using a condom, be sure to use one without spermicide. After sex, pull the penis out of the vagina with the condom still on (you can also masturbate into a condom or cup, without vaginal sex). Then, using a syringe (without a needle), you suck up the semen and insert the syringe deep inside the vagina. Once the syringe is deep inside the vagina, you squeeze out and deposit the semen.

Based on individuals' experiences and at least one study, it is often recommended that the woman lie down for 20 minutes after inserting the semen to improve fertility. It is more effective to use this method when a woman is fertile - when she is ovulating. You can get non-needle syringes at almost any pharmacy because they are commonly used to give medicines to babies. Your HIV provider may also have some to give to you.

Assisted Reproduction

This means that a sperm fertilizes an egg with the help of a medical technique or therapy. Assisted reproduction (sometimes called "assisted reproductive technology") is useful when the future parent(s) require help to prevent HIV transmission between partners, are using donor sperm, or are having difficulty getting pregnant at home because of fertility issues. Unfortunately, few facilities offer assisted reproduction to people living with HIV, and few health insurance plans cover it. There are several types of assisted reproduction:

  • Intra-vaginal insemination (IVI): Very similar to home insemination, only done in a clinic.
  • Intra-uterine insemination (IUI): Semen (sperm and seminal fluid) is drawn up into a narrow tube, which is then inserted through the cervix into the uterus (womb). The semen is deposited in the uterus, where fertilization of the egg can occur.
  • In-vitro fertilization (IVF): The woman takes fertility drugs to help her prepare eggs (also called ripening her eggs). When eggs are ready (or ripe), they are removed from the ovary and put in a dish with sperm. Once there is a fertilized egg (embryo), it is put back in the woman's uterus.
  • Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): This is a specific type of IVF in which a sperm is injected directly into an egg using a very thin needle. When a fertilized egg occurs, it is returned to the woman's uterus. This method is used when a man's sperm do not swim well or are not normally shaped.

Egg Donation

This involves using IVF and eggs donated by another woman who is checked for fertility and diseases. The woman who is donating eggs takes fertility drugs to help her ripen her eggs. When eggs are ready (or ripe), they are removed from her ovary and put in a dish with sperm. Once there is a fertilized egg (embryo), it is put in your womb (uterus). Although this method uses the eggs of a woman who is HIV-negative, it is still important for you to take HIV drugs to prevent passing HIV on to your child during pregnancy or childbirth.


Your egg is fertilized using IVF or ICSI, then transferred to another woman's womb. That woman, the surrogate, carries and gives birth to your child. If the surrogate is HIV-negative, there is zero risk of perinatal (mother-to-child) transmission of HIV. Although it is biologically possible to have the fertilized egg of a woman living with HIV implanted in an HIV-negative surrogate, you may encounter several legal or regulatory challenges to this option for getting pregnant. Even if this option is legal in your state, it may be difficult to find fertility clinics or surrogacy centers willing to provide this service to women living with HIV.


Offering a permanent family to a parentless child may be an option, whether having biologic offspring is an option for you or not. Adoptions can be done within the US or internationally. Unfortunately, while many people living with HIV have welcomed children into their homes through adoption, some agencies and/or countries may have prejudices against people living with HIV adopting children.

Finding a Supportive Provider

When choosing to have a child as a person living with HIV, it is important to be an advocate for yourself and your future child. Finding the right healthcare provider who is supportive of your plans to get pregnant is a big first step! A friendly healthcare provider can talk with you about many issues around pregnancy and having children: which conception option is right for you, and appropriate HIV treatments for you and/or your partner. They may also be able to speak with you about whether to disclose your HIV status to others (including other providers, your child's pediatrician, additional friends and family), and how to manage any stigma or fear you may experience around living with HIV and being pregnant. Please see the main "Getting Pregnant and HIV" page for even more information about building a support network.

Ultimately, you get to choose when and whether to have children. You deserve to be treated with respect and given access to the information necessary to make an informed decision and plan for your future.

View this section as a separate fact sheet

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on HIV while trying to conceive (get pregnant; have a baby). If you are a man living with HIV and your partner is an HIV-negative woman, the options below can help you understand what might be best for you and prepare for discussions with your healthcare provider(s) and others. (For other options and more general information, you can return to the main "Getting Pregnant and HIV" page.)

Check for STIs and Analyze Semen

Getting regular screening and treating any sexually transmitted infections or diseases (STIs or STDs) before trying to get pregnant is a great first step to lower your chances of passing HIV between partners. Certain STIs can increase the chances of acquiring HIV. However, if the partner living with HIV has an undetectable viral load, the HIV-negative partner will still be protected from acquiring HIV, even if someone in the couple has an STI.

The US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) also recommends semen analysis for men living with HIV before trying to get pregnant. Men living with HIV may have fertility problems more often than HIV-negative men. Making sure sperm is fertile before  trying to get pregnant can help you and your partner choose the best method for getting pregnant.

Analyzing semen for fertility (ability to achieve pregnancy) is a simple procedure that requires a semen sample. However, it can sometimes be difficult to find a facility willing to analyze the semen of a man living with HIV (see below for help finding facilities and providers). In the US, this analysis is usually expensive and not covered by insurance.

Viral Suppression of Partner Living with HIV

One of the best things that the male partner living with HIV can do is to take HIV drugs regularly and maintain an undetectable viral load (not enough HIV in his bloodstream for a test to measure) — even when he has no symptoms and a relatively healthy immune system.

Recent studies of gay and heterosexual ("straight") serodifferent couples showed that taking HIV drugs and having an undetectable viral load reduces the risk to zero that a person living with HIV will sexually transmit HIV to their partner(s). Please see our fact sheet on Undetectable Equals Untransmittable for more information on this exciting development.

Sex without Condoms

If you choose this method, it is ideal for the partner living with HIV to have an undetectable viral load before the couple tries to get pregnant. If his viral load is not known or is detectable, the risk of passing on HIV is lower if you only have unprotected sex when the woman is ovulating (when she is most likely to get pregnant; this is often called "timed intercourse"). Ovulation occurs when an egg is released from the woman's ovary and usually happens about two weeks before a woman starts her menstrual period. Insemination during the "fertile window" – usually one to two days before ovulation until one day after ovulation – has a greater chance of success. For more information on understanding and tracking your fertility, visit:

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

HIV-negative women can now use Truvada (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/emtricitabine) as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP. Descovy (tenofovir alafenamide/emtricitabine) is approved as PrEP, but NOT recommended for cisgender women. Apretude, a new injectable form of PrEP, is approved for men or women. PrEP means taking HIV drugs before being exposed to HIV to prevent acquiring the virus if her partner’s viral load is unknown or is detectable. PrEP also allows you to be in control of your own protection against HIV. Truvada and Descovy need to be taken daily, not just right before sex. Apretude is injected every two months.

The US Public Health Service's clinical practice guidelines suggest that healthcare providers discuss PrEP as one of several options for protecting HIV-negative partners in serodifferent couples when they are interested in having a child. Not all healthcare providers are comfortable or knowledgeable about prescribing PrEP. However, you can tell your healthcare provider that you are interested in taking PrEP and ask them to write you a prescription for it.

For help finding providers that prescribe PrEP, see, a growing national PrEP provider directory.

Some recent research has shown that PrEP may not add much protection when the partner living with HIV is virally suppressed (which already lowers the risk of transmission to zero) and condomless sex is limited to the woman's fertile period.

Truvada, when used as PrEP for HIV-negative women, appears safe in early pregnancy. Information from the Partners PrEP study conducted among serodifferent heterosexual couples in Africa showed that babies conceived when the mother was taking Truvada did not experience negative birth outcomes or were smaller as infants. Women living with HIV have been taking that HIV drug safely during pregnancy for many years to prevent their babies from acquiring HIV.

Sperm Washing

Sperm washing refers to a process in which sperm is separated from seminal fluid (semen = sperm + seminal fluid). Since HIV exists in seminal fluid but not in sperm, 'washing' the sperm clean of the seminal fluid lowers the risk of HIV transmission. See "Understanding the Science" for more information. Any of the types of assisted reproduction listed below can be used with washed sperm to get the HIV-negative woman pregnant.

Assisted Reproduction

This means that a sperm fertilizes an egg with the help of a medical technique or therapy. Assisted reproduction (sometimes called "assisted reproductive technology") is useful when the future parent(s) require help to prevent HIV transmission between partners, are using donor sperm, or are having difficulty getting pregnant at home because of fertility issues. Unfortunately, few facilities offer assisted reproduction to people living with HIV, and few health insurance plans cover it. There are several types of assisted reproduction that can be used with washed sperm:

  • Intra-uterine insemination (IUI): Sperm is drawn up into a narrow tube, which is then inserted through the cervix into the uterus (womb). The sperm is deposited in the uterus, where fertilization of the egg can occur.
  • In-vitro fertilization (IVF): The woman takes fertility drugs to help her prepare eggs (also called ripening her eggs). When eggs are ready (or ripe), they are removed from the ovary and put in a dish with sperm. Once there is a fertilized egg (embryo), it is put back in the woman's uterus.
  • Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): This is a specific type of IVF in which a sperm is injected directly into an egg using a very thin needle. When a fertilized egg occurs, it is returned to the woman's uterus. This method is used when a man's sperm do not swim well or are not normally shaped.

Donor Sperm

Donor sperm comes from a sperm bank or from someone you know. Donors to sperm banks are most often anonymous, and they are tested for fertility and diseases to make sure the sperm is safe and able to result in pregnancy. This involves no risk of HIV transmission to your partner.

Donor sperm is often used in an assisted reproductive technique called intra-vaginal insemination (IVI). In this procedure, sperm are placed deep inside the vagina by a healthcare provider. This is very similar to home insemination, only done in a clinic. Donor sperm can also be used in any of the other assisted reproductive techniques listed above.

Home Insemination

This involves using donor sperm from someone you know or from a sperm bank. Not all states allow sperm from a sperm bank to be used for home insemination. If using donor sperm from a sperm bank for home insemination is possible in your state, ask your sperm bank for instructions on how to use the sperm at home.

If using sperm from someone you know, have the man ejaculate (cum) into a clean cup or condom. If using a condom, be sure to use one without spermicide. Then, using a syringe (without a needle), you suck up the semen and insert the syringe deep inside the vagina. Once the syringe is deep inside the vagina, you squeeze out and deposit the semen.

Based on individuals' experiences and at least one study, it is often recommended that the woman lie down for 20 minutes after inserting the semen to improve fertility. It is also more effective to use home insemination when a woman is fertile - when she is ovulating. You can get non-needle syringes at most any pharmacy because they are commonly used to give medicines to babies. Your HIV provider may also have some to give to you.


Offering a permanent family to a parentless child may be an option, whether having biologic offspring is an option for you or not. Adoptions can be done within the US or internationally. Unfortunately, while many people living with HIV have welcomed children into their homes through adoption, some agencies and/or countries may have prejudices against people living with HIV adopting children.

Finding a Supportive Provider

When choosing to have a child as a person living with HIV, it is important to be an advocate for yourself and your future child. Finding the right healthcare provider who is supportive of your plans to have a baby is a big first step! A friendly healthcare provider can talk with you about many issues around pregnancy and having children: which conception option is right for you, and appropriate HIV treatments for you and/or your partner. They may also be able to speak with you about whether to disclose your HIV status to others (including other providers, your child's pediatrician, additional friends and family), and how to handle any stigma or fear you may experience around living with HIV and being pregnant. Please see the main "Getting Pregnant and HIV" page for even more information about building a support network.

Ultimately, you get to choose when and whether to have children. You deserve to be treated with respect and given access to the information necessary to make an informed decision and plan for your future.

View this section as a separate fact sheet

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on HIV while trying to conceive (get pregnant; have a baby). If you are a woman living with HIV who is either single or in a same-sex relationship, the options below can help you understand what might be best for you and prepare for discussions with your healthcare provider(s) and others. (For other options and more general information, you can return to the main "Getting Pregnant and HIV" page.)

Viral Suppression

One of the best things that you can do is take HIV drugs regularly and maintain a suppressed viral load, even when you have no symptoms and a relatively healthy immune system. This will help you stay as healthy as possible, which will not only increase your chances of becoming pregnant but also lower your risk of passing HIV on to your baby to less than 1 percent.

Donor Sperm

Donor sperm comes from a sperm bank or from someone you know. Donors to sperm banks are most often anonymous, and they are tested for fertility and diseases to make sure the sperm is safe and able to result in pregnancy.

Donor sperm is often used in an assisted reproductive technique called intra-vaginal insemination (IVI). In this procedure, sperm are placed deep inside the vagina by a healthcare provider. This is very similar to home insemination, only done in a clinic. Donor sperm can also be used in any of the other assisted reproductive techniques listed below.

Home Insemination

This involves using donor sperm from someone you know or from a sperm bank. Not all states allow sperm from a sperm bank to be used for home insemination. If using donor sperm from a sperm bank for home insemination is possible in your state, ask your sperm bank for instructions on how to use the sperm at home.

If using sperm from someone you know, have the man ejaculate (cum) into a clean cup or condom. If using a condom, be sure to use one without spermicide. Then, using a syringe (without a needle), you suck up the semen and insert the syringe deep inside the vagina. Once the syringe is deep inside the vagina, you squeeze out and deposit the semen.

Based on individuals' experiences and at least one study, it is often recommended that the woman lie down for 20 minutes after inserting the semen to improve fertility. You can get non-needle syringes at most any pharmacy because they are commonly used to give medicines to babies. Your HIV provider may also have some to give to you.

It is more effective to use home insemination when a woman is fertile - when she is ovulating. Ovulation occurs when an egg is released from the woman's ovary and usually happens about two weeks before a woman starts her menstrual period. Insemination during the "fertile window" – usually one to two days before ovulation until one day after ovulation – has a greater chance of success. For more information on understanding and tracking your fertility, visit:

Assisted Reproduction

This means that a sperm fertilizes an egg with the help of a medical technique or therapy. Assisted reproduction (sometimes called "assisted reproductive technology") is useful when the future parent(s) require help to prevent HIV transmission between partners, are using donor sperm, or are having difficulty getting pregnant at home because of fertility issues. Unfortunately, few facilities offer assisted reproduction to people living with HIV, and few health insurance plans cover it. There are several types of assisted reproduction:

  • Intra-vaginal insemination (IVI): Very similar to home insemination, only done in a clinic.
  • Intra-uterine insemination (IUI): Semen (sperm and seminal fluid) is drawn up into a narrow tube, which is then inserted through the cervix into the uterus (womb). The semen is deposited in the uterus, where fertilization of the egg can occur.
  • In-vitro fertilization (IVF): The woman takes fertility drugs to help her prepare eggs (also called ripening her eggs). When eggs are ready (or ripe), they are removed from the ovary and put in a dish with sperm. Once there is a fertilized egg (embryo), it is put back in the woman's uterus.
  • Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): This is a specific type of IVF in which a sperm is injected directly into an egg using a very thin needle. When a fertilized egg occurs, it is returned to the woman's uterus. This method is used when a man's sperm do not swim well or are not normally shaped.

Egg Donation

This involves using IVF and eggs donated by another woman, who is checked for fertility and diseases. The woman who is donating eggs takes fertility drugs to help her prepare eggs (also called ripening her eggs). When eggs are ready (or ripe), they are removed from her ovary and put in a dish with sperm. Once there is a fertilized egg (embryo), it is put in your womb (uterus). Although this method uses the eggs of a woman who is HIV-negative, it is still important for you to take HIV drugs to prevent passing HIV on to your child during pregnancy or childbirth.


Your egg is fertilized using IVF or ICSI, then transferred to another woman's womb. That woman, the surrogate, carries and gives birth to your child. If the surrogate is HIV-negative, there is zero risk of perinatal (mother-to-child) transmission of HIV. Although it is biologically possible to have the fertilized egg of a woman living with HIV implanted in an HIV-negative surrogate, you may encounter several legal or regulatory challenges to this option for getting pregnant. Even if this option is legal in your state, it may be difficult to find fertility clinics or surrogacy centers willing to provide this service to women living with HIV.


Offering a permanent family to a parentless child may be an option, whether having biologic offspring is an option for you or not. Adoptions can be done within the US or internationally. Unfortunately, while many people living with HIV have welcomed children into their homes through adoption, unfair biases do exist in this field. Some agencies and/or countries may have prejudices against people living with HIV adopting children. In addition, adoption may be more difficult as a single woman or as a woman in a same-sex relationship, given different states' and/or countries' adoption rules. Some countries do not allow single or same-sex parents to adopt. Even in those that allow it – and even though it is now technically legal for LGBT parents to adopt across the United States – there are often prejudices against single or same-sex parents and in favor of heterosexual married couples.

Finding a Supportive Provider

When choosing to have a child as a person living with HIV, it is important to be an advocate for yourself and your future child. Finding the right healthcare provider who is supportive of your plans to get pregnant is a big first step! A friendly healthcare provider can talk with you about many issues around pregnancy and having children, including which conception option is right for you. They may also be able to speak with you about whether to disclose your HIV status to others (including other providers, your child's pediatrician, additional friends and family), and how to handle any stigma or fear you may experience around living with HIV and being pregnant. Please see the main "Getting Pregnant and HIV" page for even more information about building a support network.

Ultimately, you get to choose when and whether to have children. You deserve to be treated with respect and given access to the information necessary to make an informed decision and plan for your future.

View this section as a separate fact sheet

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on HIV while trying to conceive (get pregnant; have a baby). If you are a man living with HIV who is either single or in a same-sex relationship, the options below can help you understand what might be best for you and prepare for discussions with your healthcare provider(s) and others. (For other options and more general information, you can return to the main "Getting Pregnant and HIV" page.)

Semen Analysis

The US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) recommends semen analysis for men living with HIV before trying to get pregnant. Men living with HIV may have fertility problems more often than HIV-negative men. Making sure your sperm is fertile before you start trying to have a child can help you choose the best method for getting pregnant.

Analyzing semen for fertility (ability to achieve pregnancy) is a simple procedure that requires a semen sample. However, it can sometimes be difficult to find a facility willing to analyze the semen of a man living with HIV (see below for help finding facilities and providers). In the US, this analysis is usually not covered by insurance.

Viral Suppression

One of the best things that you can do in this situation is to take HIV drugs regularly and maintain a suppressed (undetectable) viral load, even when you have no symptoms and a relatively healthy immune system. This will increase the likelihood that you will have healthy, virus-free semen if you choose to have your sperm washed and use a surrogate.

Sperm Washing

Sperm washing refers to a process in which sperm is separated from seminal fluid (semen = sperm + seminal fluid). Since HIV exists in seminal fluid but not in sperm, 'washing' the sperm clean of the seminal fluid lowers the risk of transmitting HIV. See "Understanding the Science" for more information. Any of the types of assisted reproduction listed below can be used with washed sperm to get a surrogate woman pregnant.

Assisted Reproduction

This means that a sperm fertilizes an egg with the help of a medical technique or therapy. Assisted reproduction (sometimes called "assisted reproductive technology") is useful when the future parent(s) require help to prevent HIV transmission between partners, are using donor sperm, or are having difficulty getting pregnant at home because of fertility issues. Unfortunately, few facilities offer assisted reproduction to people living with HIV, and few health insurance plans cover it. There are several types of assisted reproduction that can be used with washed sperm:

  • Intra-uterine insemination (IUI): Sperm is drawn up into a narrow tube, which is then inserted through the cervix into the uterus (womb). The sperm is deposited in the uterus, where fertilization of the egg can occur.
  • In-vitro fertilization (IVF): The woman takes fertility drugs to help her prepare eggs (also called ripening her eggs). When eggs are ready (or ripe), they are removed from the ovary and put in a dish with sperm. Once there is a fertilized egg (embryo), it is put back in a woman's uterus.
  • Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): This is a specific type of IVF in which a sperm is injected directly into an egg using a very thin needle. When a fertilized egg occurs, it is returned to a woman's uterus. This method is used when a man's sperm do not swim well or are not normally shaped.


An egg from a surrogate (woman who enters an agreement with other people to carry a baby for them) or an egg donor is fertilized using IVF or ICSI, then transferred to the surrogate's womb. The surrogate then carries and gives birth to your child.

Although it is biologically possible to have the washed sperm of a man living with HIV fertilize a donor's egg and be implanted in a surrogate, you may encounter several legal or regulatory challenges to this option. Even if it is legal in your state, you may find fertility clinics or surrogacy centers unwilling to provide this service to men living with HIV.


Offering a permanent family to a parentless child may be an option, whether having biologic offspring is an option for you or not. Adoptions can be done within the US or internationally. Unfortunately, while many people living with HIV have welcomed children into their homes through adoption, unfair biases do exist in this field. Some agencies and/or countries may have prejudices against people living with HIV adopting children. In addition, adoption may be more difficult as a single man or as a man in a same-sex relationship, given different states' and/or countries' adoption rules. Some countries do not allow single or same-sex parents to adopt. Even in those that allow it – and even though it is now technically legal for LGBT parents to adopt across the United States – there are often prejudices against single or same-sex parents and in favor of heterosexual married couples.

Finding a Supportive Provider

When choosing to have a child as a person living with HIV, it is important to be an advocate for yourself and your future child. Finding the right healthcare provider who is supportive of your plans to get pregnant is a big first step! A friendly healthcare provider can talk with you about many issues around pregnancy and having children, including which conception option is right for you. They may also be able to speak with you about whether to disclose your HIV status to others (including other providers, your child's pediatrician, additional friends and family), and how to handle any stigma or fear you may experience around living with HIV and having children. Please see the main "Getting Pregnant and HIV" page for even more information about building a support network.

Ultimately, you get to choose when and whether to have children. You deserve to be treated with respect and given access to the information necessary to make an informed decision and plan for your future.

View this section as a separate fact sheet

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on a different strain of HIV while trying to conceive (get pregnant; have a baby). If you are a woman living with HIV and a man living with HIV, the options below can help you understand what might be best for you and prepare for discussions with your healthcare provider(s) and others. (For other options and more general information, you can return to the main "Getting Pregnant and HIV" page.)

Viral Suppression of Partners Living with HIV

One of the best things that you both can do in this situation is to take HIV drugs regularly and maintain a suppressed viral load, even when you have no symptoms and a relatively healthy immune system. This will reduce the possibility of passing a different strain of HIV (one that may be stronger or more drug-resistant) to your partner. Transmitting a different strain of HIV to a partner who is already living with HIV is called "superinfection."

As with serodifferent partners, you can reduce the risk of passing HIV to your baby or a different strain of the virus to your partner by reducing your viral load before trying to become pregnant. Having an undetectable viral load lowers transmission risk to a baby to less than 1 percent. Screening and treating any sexually transmitted infections or diseases (STIs or STDs) before trying to get pregnant will also lower your chances of passing a different strain of HIV between partners.

Condomless Sex

If you choose this method, the chance of getting pregnant is higher if you have condomless sex when the woman is ovulating (when she is most likely to get pregnant; this is often called 'timed intercourse'). Ovulation occurs when an egg is released from the woman's ovary and usually happens about two weeks before a woman starts her menstrual period. Insemination during the "fertile window" – usually one to two days before ovulation until one day after ovulation – has a greater chance of success. For more information on understanding and tracking your fertility, visit:

Home Insemination with Donor Sperm

This involves using donor sperm from someone you know or from a sperm bank. Not all states allow sperm from a sperm bank to be used for home insemination. If using donor sperm from a sperm bank for home insemination is possible in your state, ask your sperm bank for instructions on how to use the sperm at home.

If using sperm from someone you know, have the man ejaculate (cum) into a clean cup or condom. If using a condom, be sure to use one without spermicide. Then, using a syringe (without a needle), you suck up the semen and insert the syringe deep inside the vagina. Once the syringe is deep inside the vagina, you squeeze out and deposit the semen.

Based on individuals' experiences and at least one study, it is often recommended that the woman lie down for 20 minutes after inserting the semen to improve fertility. It is also more effective to use home insemination when a woman is fertile, or when she is ovulating. You can get non-needle syringes at most any pharmacy because they are commonly used to give medicines to babies. Your HIV provider may also have some to give to you.

Sperm Washing

Sperm washing refers to a process in which sperm is separated from seminal fluid (semen = sperm + seminal fluid). Since HIV exists in seminal fluid but not in sperm, 'washing' the sperm clean of the seminal fluid lowers the risk of HIV transmission. See "Understanding the Science" for more information. Washed sperm can be used with the assisted reproductive techniques described below.

Assisted Reproduction

This means that a sperm fertilizes an egg with the help of a medical technique or therapy. Assisted reproduction (sometimes called "assisted reproductive technology") is useful when the future parent(s) require help to prevent HIV transmission between partners, are using donor sperm, or are having difficulty getting pregnant at home because of fertility issues. Unfortunately, few facilities offer assisted reproduction to people living with HIV, and few health insurance plans cover it. There are several types of assisted reproduction:

  • Intra-vaginal insemination (IVI): Very similar to home insemination, only done in a clinic.
  • Intra-uterine insemination (IUI): Sperm is drawn up into a narrow tube, which is then inserted through the cervix into the uterus (womb). The sperm is deposited in the uterus, where fertilization of the egg can occur.
  • In-vitro fertilization (IVF): The woman takes fertility drugs to help her prepare eggs (also called ripening her eggs). When eggs are ready (or ripe), they are removed from the ovary and put in a dish with sperm. Once there is a fertilized egg (embryo), it is put back in the woman's uterus.
  • Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): This is a specific type of IVF in which a sperm is injected directly into an egg using a very thin needle. When a fertilized egg occurs, it is returned to the woman's uterus. This method is used when a man's sperm do not swim well or are not normally shaped.

Egg Donation

This involves using IVF and eggs donated by another woman, who is checked for fertility and diseases. The woman who is donating eggs takes fertility drugs to help her prepare eggs (also called ripening her eggs). When eggs are ready (or ripe), they are removed from her ovary and put in a dish with sperm. Once there is a fertilized egg (embryo), it is put in your womb (uterus). Although this method uses the eggs of a woman who is HIV-negative, it is still important for you to take HIV drugs to prevent passing HIV on to your child during pregnancy or childbirth.


Your egg is fertilized using IVF or ICSI, then transferred to another woman's womb. That woman, the surrogate, carries and gives birth to your child. Although it is biologically possible to have the egg of a woman living with HIV fertilized by the washed sperm of a man living with HIV and implanted in an HIV-negative surrogate, you may encounter several legal or regulatory challenges to this option for getting pregnant. Even if this option is legal in your state, it may be difficult to find fertility clinics or surrogacy centers willing to provide this service to people living with HIV.

Egg Donation + Surrogacy

As a woman living with HIV, you may choose to have your partner's sperm fertilize an HIV-negative woman's egg and have that same HIV-negative woman, or another woman, give birth to your child. In this situation, your male partner's sperm would need to be washed, then used with one of the assisted reproductive techniques described above to get the HIV-negative surrogate pregnant.


Offering a permanent family to a parentless child may be an option, whether having biologic offspring is an option for you or not. Adoptions can be done within the U.S or internationally. Unfortunately, while many people living with HIV have welcomed children into their homes through adoption, some agencies and/or countries may have prejudices against people living with HIV adopting children.

Finding a Supportive Provider

When choosing to have a child as a person living with HIV, it is important to be an advocate for yourself and your future child. Finding the right healthcare provider who is supportive of your plans to get pregnant is a big first step! A friendly healthcare provider can talk with you about many issues around pregnancy and having children: which conception option is right for you, and appropriate HIV treatments for you and/or your partner. They may also be able to speak with you about whether to disclose your HIV status to others (including other providers, your child's pediatrician, additional friends and family), and how to handle any stigma or fear you may experience around living with HIV and having a baby. Please see the main "Getting Pregnant and HIV" page for even more information about building a support network.

Ultimately, you get to choose when and whether to have children. You deserve to be treated with respect and given access to the information necessary to make an informed decision and plan for your future.

Additional Resources
Select the links below for additional material related to getting pregnant and HIV.


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