Intro - Kara Brett

Submitted on Nov 4, 2018 by  Kara Brett

I'm a 44-year old single mom with, HIV, bipolar, and learning disabilities (ADHD and Dyslexia). I've started college for the first time. This is my journey in parenting, HIV, managing mental health, and getting my college education.

I found out I had HIV in 2012. I was pregnant with my 5th and final child, he was born HIV free. I'm doing really well, but I struggle with severe fatigue, chronic pain, and a few other fun side effects. My most profound struggle with my HIV diagnoses has been with self-stigma, and it's taken a very long time to get to a mentally healthy place regarding my status and my health.

I have 5 kids. My two older children are 23 and 20, they are off doing their own things. I have the 3 younger kids that are with me full-time. My 13-year-old has high functioning autism, and he's totally awesome. My daughter is 10 soon to be 11, she's brilliant. Then there is my 5-year-old, he is so cool, and he's funny. My 13-year-old and 11-year-old's dad committed suicide earlier this year.

Mental illness is something that I've dealt with most of my life. But in 2016, just 4 years after I got diagnosed with HIV, I hit rock bottom. I spent a couple weeks in the hospital and got diagnosed with Bipolar. My life is entirely different now, but I was completely out of control for years. I was destructive, I ruined relationships with friends and family, I was out of control compulsive, and I didn't take my medication regularly. I couldn't manage money, life, I barely managed as an adult. You can only imagine what kind of mom I was. Not a very good one. It's been two years now, and I'm mending relationships, I'm starting over as a mom, I'm managing my home and my health. And, I'm going to school.

Why Kara Brett wants to be part of A Girl Like Me: I want to be part of A Girl Like Me because I have a story to tell and a journey in progress that I want to share. I know there are women out there like me and I want to encourage them, make them laugh, and let them know they aren't alone.

Submitted by boseolotu

Dearest Sister, 

you are a warrior and I love your strenght and courage my dear I belive you are a great mother and you did every thing for your kids.

you need to give youself a part on the back because despart all of the challenges you are facing you still focus and you never give up.

I just love your courage and strenght please never under-extimate yourself and always rember you are a good mother keep hanging on.

Life will always trow tantrum on us and the wave of life will never treat us well but in all of this you have tom be strong.

In Nigeria I will give three gbosa..gbosa......gbosa....... meaning three tums up for you.

Sending you ligh and love may the joy of the Lord God always your strenght.

Love you.

Submitted by kmartel

Kara, we are very excited to welcome you to the A Girl Like Me family! We look forward to sharing your blogs with women across the globe! <3 

Submitted by Lovinglife101


Welcome to the family!  Really happy to hear you are on a new journey.  After learning of my own diagnosis, I was also self-destructive and on a challenging path.   I am also glad to hear you are starting college.  School has really made a difference in my life and I try to encourage everyone to go after their dreams.

I do not have any children, at times I wish I did.  I am a little old and will never have any of my own.  I acquired HIV in 1985, a very long time ago.  I was only 19, so thinking about children was the furthest thing from my mind.  I am now 53, and I have five small dogs that I treat like my children!  They are a handful.

Glad you are here and I look forward to reading more of your blogs.




Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

Welcome to our sisterhood! and for touching on so many situations that many of us go through and can relate! I look forward in reading all of your amazing blogs.


much love and light to you!!



Submitted by tj30trust

Hello and thank you for your willingness to share your story. Welcome to the family. We are all here for each other. I too have to be mindful of my mental health living with HIV so just know that we are a community here and a family as well. I'm Tiommi and it's a pleasure to meet you. 

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