Intro - Louise Vallace

Submitted on May 31, 2023 by  Aunty Lou's House


Louise Vallace and logo for A Girl Like Me.

My parents are from the Caribbean. I was born and brought up in London, UK. I found the love of my life when I was 49 and I am engaged to be married. I have been living with HIV for over 17 years.

I have experienced domestic abuse, I am dyslexic, and a divorced single mother of three children.

I am a project manager and intersectional wellness coach. Now I am getting older, wiser and more confident and I want to use my skills and experience to support people living with HIV.

Why Louise wants to be part of A Girl Like Me: I was alone, lonely and scared living with HIV.  I am now out and proud and want to connect with women and be part of the HIV community. I remember so clearly how scared I was, and if there is any one woman living with HIV that can see or hear me, I want to write so that they do not feel they are alone (like I once did).

Submitted by Aunty Lou's House

Hello - thank you for your welcome.  

I coach people who have an array of complex layers  attached to thier life.  One size does not fit all, particulary in the coaching industry.  I am here working with people who have a multitude of layers.   For example, a  women who experienced childhood sexual abuse, who is a divorced single mother, who has experienced domestic abuse, has dyselexia and also HIV.  

Submitted by kmartel

Also want to welcome you to the A Girl Like Me family! So glad you found us and are joining this amazing community of women! I really look forward to reading your blogs and getting to know you! 

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